Episode Seven
Seven Steps To Achieve Your Writing DreamsIn this episode of "The Wonderful World of Writing," published playwright and award winning screenwriter, Laura Cotton, MFA, MA discusses how to create a plan which will enable you to achieve your writing goals and dreams.
Writers tend to be dreamers. They think in terms of the future, not the past or the present. Many beginning writers say that their dream is to write a novel or sell a screenplay. However, the reality is that no one can just sit down and write a book or screenplay, so if that is the only goal that you have, you will often feel disappointed. Instead, writers need to think in terms of smaller goals that they will achieve in pursuit of accomplishing a larger goal. This lesson describes seven steps that will enable you to achieve your writing goals and dreams.
1) Write down your ultimate writing dream. Think of a writing dream that you would love to accomplish, but that seems almost impossible. Some examples would be “write an award winning book” or “sell a screenplay that becomes a hit movie.”
2) Decide what the first step is to achieve this dream. For most people the first step will be to create a writing schedule, which is described in episode two. However, the first step could also mean doing research online, contacting someone and setting up an interview, doing some prewriting, etc. Whatever you decide that first step is, pursue it as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the much more likely you will be to lose your passion for the project.
3) Make a goal chart. First, decide on a goal for the month. Write this goal at the top of your paper. Then break your monthly goal into weekly goals by making a list of two goals that you are going to attempt to achieve each week. Then, write how you will achieve these goals.
Here is an example of a goal chart.
Writing Dream: Write and Sell a screenplay
Monthly Goal: Begin writing my screenplay
Dates Goal 1 Goal 2
Oct.3 – Oct. 10 Write a logline. Write a summary.
How I will achieve these goals:
I will write for at least a half hour a day, first working on my logline, then working on my summary. I will also read sample loglines and summaries.
I wrote the logline but not the summary. I was so busy I wasn’t always able to write for my half hour a day.
Dates: Goal 1 Goal 2
Oct. 10 - Oct. 17 Write a summary. Write the first page.
How I will achieve these goals:
I will read some sample summaries and first pages for inspiration.
I achieved both of these goals.
Dates: Goal 1 Goal 2
Oct. 17- Oct. 24 Write the first 3 pages. Read the 1st chapter in my
screenwriting book.
How I will achieve these goals:
I will rent some movies that are similar to mine and watch them for inspiration. I will read for fifteen minutes a day.
I achieved both of these goals.
Dates: Goal 1 Goal 2
Oct. 24 – Oct. 31 Write the next 3 pages . Read the 2nd chapter in my
screenwriting book.
How I will achieve these goals:
I will do some prewriting and then write for a half hour each day. I will also continue to read for fifteen minutes a day.
I achieved both of these goals.
A goal chart will keep you motivated and allow you to track your progress.
4) Enlist help. Ask someone you trust to keep you accountable for your goals. Share your goal chart or just share your monthly goal. Ask this individual if he/she can occasionally check-in with you throughout the month and ask you if you are still working towards your goal.
5) Reflect on your goals each week. If one of your goals was not achieved, ask yourself why. Think about what you can do to make sure it happens next week. You may just be very busy. If this is the case, aim to accomplish one goal a week or one goal for every two weeks.
6) Celebrate your success. When you achieve a writing goal, you should reward yourself for your efforts. Watch a favorite show, see a movie or play, or just relax. Writing can be challenging and there will be days when you don’t feel like doing it. Rewarding yourself will help you to stay motivated.
7) Keep going. There will be many times when you want to give up or when you are simply too busy to make progress towards your monthly goal. Try not to become discouraged. Instead, simply make your weekly goals easier for yourself and give yourself more time to achieve them.
Assignment Seven: Decide on a writing dream that you would like to achieve. Then make a goal chart. Decide on a monthly goal and then break that monthly goal into smaller weekly or bi-weekly goals. At the end of the week, reflect on your progress. Modify your goals if necessary.